LN24 is Belgium's first 24-hour news channel, using all the modern communication tools to decipher and decode national and international news, whether it be political, business, social, cultural or sports news. Its leitmotiv: to disseminate relevant and quality information.
Visit the website :
www.ln24.beLN24 is quality information, processed and analysed as it has never been in Belgium. Business, politics, society, culture, sport, etc… The content is available on all media, in new formats, with the technological tools of today and tomorrow.
In addition to the Newspaper and its flagship programmes, LN24 also offers access to all the latest news on its website. The news feed provides live coverage of what’s happening around the world.
Chiffres clés
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Téléspectateurs quotidiens
Téléspectateurs hebdomadaires
% 25-54 GS 1-4
Audimetrie South: Jan-Sept 2021
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